Cosmetic Dentistry Options on the Gold Coast
If you’re self-conscious about your ‘gummy’ smile, The Dental Boutique can help. The highly trained experts at our private dental clinic offer laser gum contouring and crown lengthening treatments, designed specifically to help reshape your smile in a way that mimics the natural teeth.
To help you make an informed decision about the dental treatments that are available to you, we’ve prepared this article as an introduction to crown lengthening and laser gum contouring. We’re committed to becoming the true partner in your health and happiness, which is why we’d like to help you better understand these procedures, how they work, and what they can do for you.
Read on and learn how laser gum contouring and crown lengthening can assist you with a ‘gummy’ or uneven smile.
What causes a gummy smile?
Quite simply, a gummy smile is a larger gum to tooth ratio that causes a large proportion of the gum to show when you smile. A common factor of a gummy smile can be caused by an abnormal eruption of the teeth, where excessive gum tissue covers the teeth, in turn, making them appear shorter than they are. However, there are a range of factors that can influence the prevalence of a gummy smile, including genetics, teeth form and position or gingival tissue levels.
Understanding gum contouring
Gum contouring, also known as gingivectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the tissue and bone of the gumline to reduce the appearance of excessive gums. Currently, most dentists use advanced dental lasers with a high-powered focused beam of light, to progressively remove layers of tissue that surround the teeth, to reshape the gumline. This dental solution alters the appearance of irregular gum lines, a crooked smile, as well as natural variation in tooth size.
Understanding crown lengthening
Crown lengthening is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to reduce the gum tissue, by shaving down the bone. Once the bone has been modified, the gum line is then re-contoured to present a longer crown appearance – simply, to show more of the tooth. This solution promises to give you a well-proportioned and aesthetically pleasing smile, whilst helping to build your confidence as you wear your new smile.
Speak to an experienced private cosmetic dentist at our established Gold Coast clinic
Here at The Dental Boutique, we take a personal and comprehensive approach with all our clients. By leveraging a skilled team of highly qualified dentists to deliver optimal outcomes for each patient, our goals, are yours. We’re committed to delivering the superior standard of care, better supporting the oral health and aesthetics of every one of our clients.
Choose professionalism and experience – choose The Dental Boutique. Call 0755912262 to make an appointment and learn more about gum contouring and crown lengthening.